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美国硅谷科技快讯 Oct.22_腾讯新闻

2020-10-23 06:58:15 第一视角


Europe will go it alone on digital tax reform in 2021 if it must, says EU president, as bloc directs €150BN in COVID-19 relief toward cloud, AI and broadband.


Europe president said that artificial intelligence has potential to deliver innovations such as “precision farming in agriculture, more accurate medical diagnosis and safe autonomous driving”. However she also emphasized the importance of having rules in place to wrap around the tech, reiterating EU lawmakers’ conviction that a framework is needed to ensure what they dub ‘human-centric’ AI.


Europe president said the Commission wants to develop “a secure European e-identity” that EU citizens could use anywhere in the bloc — “to do anything from paying your taxes to renting a bicycle”.

4、苹果公司发布了超快的五纳米A14芯片,下个月将在新款iPad Air中发售。该芯片中有118亿个晶体管,比上一代七纳米芯片增加了40%,将达到每秒11万亿次运算。该芯片还有16核的神经引擎,对于机器学习和依赖AI处理流程的应用程序来说必不可少。

Apple unveils its super fast five nanometer A14 chip, shipping in the new iPad Air next month.Apple says that the A14 makes it the first to use five nanometer process technology, incredibly small-scale but powerful architecture, with 11.8 billion transistors packed into the chip, up 40% on its previous generation seven nanometer chips. This will work out to 11 trillion operations per second. The chip also features a 16-core neural engine, essential for machine learning but also any app that relies on AI processes.


Darkstore launches FastAF app for same-day product delivery. With Darkstore, companies like Nike, Adidas and Levis are able to offer same-day delivery to customers by storing their products inside Darkstore’s urban fulfillment centers. Currently, there are 550 Darkstores across 283 cities.

6、Ansa Biotechnologies希望开创DNA制造的新时代。该公司已经开发出一种酶,该酶可以向DNA分子添加碱基。这种新工艺比现有的技术更快,更准确。

Ansa Biotechnologies wants to usher in a new era of DNA manufacturing. The company has developed an enzyme that basically adds bases to a DNA molecule. The new process is faster and more accurate than existing technologies.

7、索尼的PlayStation 5将于11月12日上市,售价为500美元。

Sony’s PlayStation 5 arrives November 12, priced at $500.


TouchWood puts versatile, unobtrusive interfaces inside your desk, table and walls. What the company has created is a modular tech platform that uses high-intensity LEDs with capacitive touch sensing. This allows us to embed it in essentially opaque material.


From September 20th,TikTok will be banned from downloading, but the downloaded ones can still be used until November 12.


Crover’s robot swims in grain silos to monitor environmental conditions.

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