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2020-09-01 21:36:47 第一视角

Gensler unveils futuristic office, offers a glimpse into the workplace of the future


Gensler unveiled a futuristic conceptual workbox at the 35th Shenzhen International Furniture Expo. The futuristic design explores and re-imagines the workplace of the future where new technologies, ways of working and company culture are redefining the traditional office.

外观是一个类似手风琴的圆形空间,采用半透明白色折叠式外墙,白色纱挂帘可以伸缩以改变房间大小,由此营造开阔明亮、通风良好的环境。概念盒子是由Gensler上海办公室设计总监Douglas Newkirk匠心打造。旨在以特别的叙事手法,为观众带来沉浸式体验,引领他们探索办公空间的演变将给员工带来何种憧憬与挑战。

“我的设计灵感来源于一个可以呼吸伸展的办公空间”。Gensler上海办公室设计总监Douglas Newkirk说。“过去办公室的空间都是一个个房间,有大的有小的,各有自己的功能。我觉得在未来10年,人们的工作模式会更加模糊,空间也同样变得模糊。概念盒子让Gensler可以借机向大众展示我们对未来工作方式的见解。此新颖设计不仅彰显了Gensler在办公场所设计领域的丰富经验和研究成果,也代表着我们致力实现的愿景。我们希望通过展现办公场所的发展与演变,为人们启迪灵感并提供指引。”

Designed by Douglas Newkirk, design director at Gensler Shanghai, the workbox is shaped like an accordion-like circular space with translucent cascading curtains that can expand and contract, creating an open, bright and airy environment.

The future workplace is one that embrace sustainability, innovation, mobility, flexibility, collaboration, openness, digital transformation, AI, co-working and wellness. The design is highly customized for the individual or collective human working experience while fully aided with next-generation technologies. The workbox hopes to explore what visions and challenges the evolution of the office space will bring to employees.


Newkirk对未来办公场所形式的构想,盒子设定的关键词为“自主”(Autonomy),“整合”(Assembly) 及“自动化”(Automation) ,同时涵盖了办公空间的创新、可持续性、健康、商业行为和技术的观点。


The New Workplace Experience is on the emphasis is on the individual – people are greeted by a virtual receptionist that welcomes them in the space. The corridor leading into the future will be lined with the history of workplace of that individual and can be assembled into the current task at hand. The space configuration changes according to the needs for group discussion and virtual meetings.

In the future, workplaces will able to “breathe” – expanding and contracting as a response to behavior, operations, technology andspace. Where work does not solely happen within the confines of the walls of an office space, the boundaries are blurred.

Newkirk’s prediction for the workplace of the future is centered around the three key concepts of ‘Autonomy', ‘Assembly’ and ‘Automation’. Each is a point-of-view on the larger transformative narratives that encompasses Innovation, Sustainability, Wellness, Business Behavior, and Technology. In order to make real impact in these areas of business, and our physical workplaces, it is important to address these narratives from specific, humanized points of view.

自主 个人工作模式的选择

AUTONOMY Our individual choices at work


Gen-Z workers will challenge conventions around job roles, titles and seating configurations, opting for spaces which are task-oriented, putting focus on the ability to express and delivery work in a more authentic ways of working. The corporate brand is amalgamized with personal brand, allowing for dialogue and evolution of ideas to create work and contribution of the collective.

整合 团队协作体验

ASSEMBLY Our experience as a collective with others


Learning from how system networks are organized in nature, the future workplace is one that is highly modular – individual cells are ready to assemble into team configurations as required by the tasks at hand. Every tool of the workplace is available yet is presented only with the tools required, resulting in an uncluttered focus environment for the given tasks.


AUTOMATIONOur experience with technology as tools toaugment and enhance our work


Workplace of the future will see VR. Robotics, AI and IA (intelligence automation) more seamlessly integrated into the human ways of working – assisting humans on process-oriented tasks and allowing humans tofocus on tasks which are more creative and collaborative. The future workplace is highly intuitive, efficient and connected.

“The ideal office is one where the space works for you, and allows you to poke, prod, push, pull, and personalize at any time, by anyone. Where every detail is designed and defined, not by conventions, but by being precisely the environment you need to best do you work. It’s one that isn’t rigid but can stay relevant by letting you evolve with how the space is being used. It’s one that is clean, healthy, appeals to your senses, and simply an enjoyable space to be in. And it’s fun! Your mental and physical comfort play a big role in how effective, productive, or creative we are at work. At the same time, the “ideal office” is on that help organizations increase performance and gain competitive advantage.” – Douglas Newkirk, designer of the Gensler Workbox.

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