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2020-07-27 19:40:52 第一视角








Deloitte released the latest CMO report "Covid-19 and Marketing". There is ample evidence that the behavior of customers has changed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Undoubtedly, for almost all respondents (97%), the most obvious change is the reduction in face-to-face marketing engagement, whether in sales, store visits or trade shows.

As face-to-face participation decreases, 85% of chief marketing officers (CMOs) have become more open to new digital products launched during the pandemic; 84% of CMOs have witnessed an increase in the value of digital experiences.

In the past, American consumers trusted companies that valued social responsibility rather than just profit. Therefore, 8 out of 10 CMOs (79%) have more recognition of the company's attempts to "do good". And, while B2B companies have been working together to make goals as part of a company-wide initiative, B2C companies are more likely to experience changes in customer behavior than B2B companies.

About two-thirds of respondents (65%) reported that their products and services have attracted new customers. The CMO also noted that consumers are unlikely to buy (67%) and are unwilling to pay the full price (43%).

To a lesser extent, CMOs also mentioned issues such as low loyalty (25%), low probability of online purchase (24%), and weak privacy concerns (24%).

The CMO is optimistic that the several consumer behavior changes seen during the pandemic will return to normal within 6-12 months. In fact, the largest percentage of respondents believe that behaviors such as unwillingness to pay in full (38.5%), low purchase probability (37.7%), and low loyalty (36.4%) will return to the highest level during this period The level before the epidemic, rather than recovering after 6 months or a year.

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